Estate Planning: What You Need to Know Before Starting

Estate Planning: What You Need to Know Before Starting

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Estate planning isn’t always easy or straightforward, but that doesn’t mean it should be put off until you are nearing retirement! In fact, most of us out there should already have our estate planning completed. Life has a tendency to throw us curveballs like sickness, death, job loss or debilitating disabilities. When done in advance, estate planning can make these events less stressful should they occur. At Bennett Guthrie PLLC, we want to make sure you are prepared for all that life throws at you. Here are a few things you need to know about estate planning before starting the process.

First, find the right attorney to help you with your estate planning. Our attorneys here at Bennett Guthrie PLLC are kind, focused on their clients, prompt to respond and invested in what is best for you, the client. Our attorneys are ready to work for you as should your estate planning attorney.

Second, identify what you hope to accomplish from your estate planning and prioritize that list. Some examples include having your children and spouse cared for, making a plan for a personal or family business, finding someone who will care for any pets you might leave behind, allocation of assets, etc.

Finally, make a comprehensive list of any and all assets that you might have – the more information the better in this case. An estate planning lawyer will want to have documents from banks, insurance brokers, etc., to ensure that the estate planning is up to date and accurate.

If you are thinking about the process of estate planning but are overwhelmed, give us a call here at Bennett Guthrie PLLC. We would love to help walk you through the process.

Our team of expert legal advisors is here to help.