Personal Injury Law: Myth vs. Fact

Personal Injury Law: Myth vs. Fact

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At Bennett Guthrie PLLC, we have experience in many different areas of civil law, and one of the topics that we get asked about the most frequently is personal injury law. If you have been injured due to another person’s or organization’s negligence, then you have the ability to sue them for damages. However, in our experience, there is a great deal of misinformation on the topic of personal injury law, so we have put together this article to help set the record straight. Below, we will go over some of the most common myths and misconceptions about personal injury law and explain the facts of the matter.

Myth #1: Personal injury lawsuits take years to resolve.

In our experience, many people hesitate to pursue personal injury claims because they worry about being locked into extensive court battles. In reality, most personal injury lawsuits are resolved before they even get to court, and it’s usually possible to work out a favorable deal fairly quickly, without interrupting your daily life much at all.

Myth #2: Personal injury lawsuits are expensive.

Another common misconception about personal injury lawsuits is that they’re expensive. Why bother trying to get compensation, the thinking goes, when any money you are awarded will just get eaten up by legal fees? In fact, most personal injury lawyers (including those on our team) work on a contingent fee basis, which means you don’t have to pay us anything up front or out of pocket.

Instead, we’ll take a percentage of any money you win. We will agree on this percentage ahead of time so you know exactly what to expect.

Myth #3: Only greedy people file personal injury claims.

Personal injuries are expensive. There are medical bills to pay, and in many cases, the injured person loses income as well. It is not greedy to want compensation to help cover these financial losses.

Our team of expert legal advisors is here to help.