Tips for Getting a Fair Settlement for Your Personal Injury Law Case

Tips for Getting a Fair Settlement for Your Personal Injury Law Case

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When you sustain injuries in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, filing a personal injury law claim to defend your right for fair and proper compensation is a beneficial move forward. Once you file your claim, you may be tempted to take whatever settlement is offered by the opposing party’s insurance company. But you can increase your chances of receiving a fair personal injury law settlement with the following strategies:

  • Refrain from accepting the first offer — View the initial settlement offered as the beginning of the negotiation process. Before accepting, have a minimum figure you think is fair in your head and be willing to work towards this amount with the help of your attorney.

  • Seek compensation for emotional distress — After the accident, you should seek treatment for your mental injuries as well as your physical ones. Accidents can be a traumatizing experience, and you have a right to compensation for the emotional distress you experienced.
  • Make the adjuster justify the settlement — The insurance company’s goal is likely to pay you as little as you are willing to accept. If the adjuster comes to you with an unreasonable settlement, ask them to justify how they decided to offer this amount.
  • Hire an attorney — The more evidence you can submit to support your personal injury law case, the more likely it will be that you receive a fair settlement. Our attorneys at Bennett Guthrie PLLC can help you with this part of the process while working with the opposing insurance company on your behalf.
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