Top Life Events When You Should Write or Revise Your Last Will and Testament

Will Attorney in Greensboro, North Carolina

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Dying isn’t something that you want to think about at any age, and it is usually the last thing on the mind of a younger person. Unfortunately, none of us knows when it can happen, and leaving your loved ones without a last will and testament in hand isn’t something you want to do. Here are some of the top life events that should spur you on to writing your first one or making revisions if you already have one.

  • Getting Married – Now that you’ve tied the knot, you should understand what happens to your assets should you pass away. If you have assets you don’t want to go to your new spouse, you need a last will and testament to bequeath those items to the intended recipient. This is a common situation with second or subsequent marriages that involve children from a previous marriage who need to be provided for.
  • Becoming a Parent – If you are thinking you don’t need a last will and testament because your spouse will handle taking care of your children, you haven’t thought about what will happen if you both die at the same time. Be sure to consider who you want as a custodial guardian should the worst happen.
  • Traveling – You may think that exotic vacation to a far-off land is exciting, but if there are dangers involved (and even flying or driving can be dangerous), you should have your last will and testament taken care of so your family knows your last wishes, just in case.
  • Illness/Surgery – Any surgery has risks, so whether you have been diagnosed with a terminal illness or you’re going in for routine surgery, be sure your last will and testament is written or updated beforehand, if needed.

If you are experiencing any of these life events or otherwise desire to have your last will and testament drawn up or revised, give us a call at Bennett Guthrie PLLC. Our will attorney will offer any advice you need to ensure your last wishes are properly addressed and that the paperwork complies with all laws and regulations. Call today to learn more.

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